Emdr Empowerment | Heather Dinneen, Lcsw  -  Emdr  Therapy | Relationship Advice

Helping Dedicated Professionals

Create and Enjoy

Their Ideal Relationships​​



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Never face reality unless reality is just the way you want it to be.

~Esther Hicks

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As a dedicated professional you are smart and accomplished and have invested lots of time and energy into your work. You also want a successful relationship.

Maybe you haven't had time or room for relationships. Maybe you are in an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship or marriage. Or maybe you are starting over after the end of a relationship or marriage.

Sometimes just thinking about repairing a relationship or online dating can be overwhelming, right?

Then doubts come to mind and you think what if you can't find anyone better, you're not that attractive, it's your fault, you can never make your partner happy, you're not fit enough, who would want to date you, you're too old, it's so embarrassing to say you chose the wrong person, what will people think, why bother, it's hopeless...

Deep down you know you want things to be different, you're just not sure how to make it happen. 

I am ready to join you on your journey to  ... 

- Find the "one" easily and have a thriving relationship with your ideal partner 

- Stop arguing and end the tension so you can enjoy your time together in your current relationship or marriage 

- Stop thinking about your ex so that your best self is open to your ideal relationship 

- Feel confident with your body, identity and desirability so that you can enjoy amazing sex 

- Experience profound love, connection and support and not worry about being alone or doing it all by  yourself

EMDR Empowerment is dedicated to silencing the doubt, building confidence, healing the past hurt and allowing you to feel good about love & relationships.

 Bring your Best Self into your Ideal Relationship

The First Step is Easy​​

Schedule a FREE 20 Minute Coaching Call Now​​

Dating, Sex,



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Compulsive Behavior

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The Past
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See how EMDR Empowerment can help you transform your experiences with dating, sex, relationships and marriage

Creating Awareness that EMDR is for more than Trauma...

One Relationship at a Time

 Explore other areas below  to see how EMDR will transform your life and  empower you to have what you want.

Free from Limitations... Live Fully in the Present

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