Free from Limitations... Live Fully in the Present

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Explained: What makes it unique

  •  EMDR is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy

  • EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to process negative experiences or beliefs that are frozen in the nervous system so that information is adaptively processed

  • When impactful things happen in life memory networks are created which affect how we see ourselves and the world. When we are triggered we react with the same intensity, feelings, beliefs and body sensations that were frozen in the memory network. EMDR integrates these networks so that you can respond instead of just reacting and have a more complex mind-body understanding of your life

  • After processing with bilateral stimulation the experience or belief loses its emotional charge and is able to be viewed objectively (from the outside looking in)

  • Once the experience or belief can be viewed objectively your perspective shifts and you realize a positive belief about yourself that didn't used to feel true

  • EMDR allows clients to be aware of, attuned to and empowered in their own inner wisdom and strength

  • EMDR works to clear what is dysfunctional, maladaptive or irrational and does not remove anything that is useful or necessary

  • Provides relief much faster than other forms of psychotherapy

  • ​EMDR is endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense

What is Bilateral Stimulation (BLS)? 

  • BLS involves alternating left-right stimulation through different forms such as eye movements, vibrating pulsers, headphones or tapping on hands or knees which activates the different hemispheres of the brain and allows information to be adaptively processed

  • ​Bilateral Stimulation used in EMDR processing appears  similar to what naturally happens in dreaming or REM sleep

  • For a thorough explanation of bilateral stimulation and its benefits watch the clip with Dr. Laurel Parnell 

How was EMDR created?

​EMDR was created in 1987 by Dr. Francine Shapiro who was very interested in mind-body connections and healing and made the chance observation that eye movements reduced the intensity of disturbing thoughts she was having. She then began the process of validating and researching the efficacy of EMDR. In 1989, she reported success using EMDR to treat victims of trauma in the Journal of Traumatic Stress. For a comprehensive explanation of how EMDR evolved and emerged as  a scientifically supported form of psychotherapy read this interview with Francine Shapiro. For a more in-depth interview with Dr. Francine Shapiro watch the video below.

Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire.

~Wayne Dyer

What is EMDR?

The clip below provides a concise explanation of EMDR from EMDR: A Documentary Film 

How can EMDR help me?

Our limitations come from the negative beliefs present in our thinking.

Negative beliefs limit us from achieving what we want, keeping us from our full potential. 

Negative beliefs also keep us frozen and stuck in patterns that don't benefit us.

When we look at parts of our life that aren't the way that we want them to be we find negative beliefs at the root.

When you are free from the limitations of your negative beliefs EVERYTHING is possible.

 EMDR allows you to address the negative beliefs and experience freedom from their limitations.

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE to know and believe that you are capable, intelligent, successful, loveable, worthy, desirable, attractive, whole and complete with EMDR.